Tag: kotlin Total 30 articles All 암호학 스키테일 scytale 시저 caesar 컴퓨터공학 데이터 기능 컴퓨터 시스템 구성 역사 숫자 진법 진수 변환 2진수 bit byte 문자 ASCII Unicode RLE Huffman 정수 2의 보수 덧셈 뺄셈 fido authentication effective java static factory method telescoping javabeans builder singleton 네이버 NAVER 핵데이 hackday 후기 개발자 커리어 제조업 코로나 재택근무 자가격리 boilerplate statically dynamically typed static pages jekyll ruby kotlin coroutines job cancel join finally withContext withTimeout suspend async await flow flowOf asFlow map filter take drop reduce fold count runBlocking launch delay context flowOn upstream downstream buffer conflate collectLatest exception handling try catch zip combine flatMapConcat flatMapMerge flatMapLatest onCompletion channel pipeline fan out in multiplatform kmm java-to-kotlin essence-of-object-orientation object 객체지향 oop clean code clean architecture Legacy Code unit test pragmatic-unit-test junit tdd BOJ Topological Sort mathematics eratosthenes String Regex bitmasking Segment Tree recursive divide and conquer dynamic programming implementation greedy Greedy Dynamic Programming mathmatics Graph BFS DFS brute force data structure string hash graph bfs floyd-warshall simulation Sort Bipartite matching Hungarian Strongly Connected Components Pathfinder Floyd google drive image hosting stateflow sharedflow sort 2024-04-19 028. (Clean Architecture) 4. 구조적 프로그래밍 2024-04-18 027. (Clean Architecture) 3. 패러다임 개요 2024-04-17 026. (Clean Architecture) 2. 두 가지 가치에 대한 이야기 2024-04-16 025. (Clean Architecture) 1. 설계와 아키텍처란? 2023-10-17 005. (KMM Mobile) 5. 공통 모듈 내 로직 2023-10-13 004. (KMM Mobile) 4. BuildSrc 적용 및 의존성 설정 2023-10-12 003. (KMM Mobile) 3. 프로젝트 톺아보기 2023-10-11 002. (KMM Mobile) 2. Hello, World! 2023-10-10 001. (KMM Mobile) 1. 개발 환경 설정 2023-05-03 046. (Pragmatic Unit Testing in Kotlin with JUnit) 10. Mock 객체 2023-04-21 045. (Pragmatic Unit Testing in Kotlin with JUnit) 9. 리팩토링 - 단일 책임 원칙, 명령 질의 분리 원칙 2023-04-13 104. (Java to Kotlin) 4. POJO에서 Value로 2023-04-12 044. (Pragmatic Unit Testing in Kotlin with JUnit) 8. 리팩토링 - 메서드 추출 기법 2023-04-06 103. (Java to Kotlin) 3. Optional to Nullable 2023-04-05 043. (Pragmatic Unit Testing in Kotlin with JUnit) 7. CORRECT 기억법 2023-04-04 042. (Pragmatic Unit Testing in Kotlin with JUnit) 6. Right-BICEP 원칙 2023-04-04 102. (Java to Kotlin) 2. 클래스 2023-03-23 101. (Java to Kotlin) 1. 자바에서 코틀린으로 2023-03-22 041. (Pragmatic Unit Testing in Kotlin with JUnit) 5. FIRST 원칙 2023-03-08 040. (Pragmatic Unit Testing in Kotlin with JUnit) 4. 테스트 코드 구조화 2023-02-22 039. (Pragmatic Unit Testing in Kotlin with JUnit) 3. JUnit 검증 딥 다이브 2023-02-15 038. (Pragmatic Unit Testing in Kotlin with JUnit) 2. 진짜 JUnit 테스트 코드 작성하기 2023-02-08 037. (Pragmatic Unit Testing in Kotlin with JUnit) 1. 첫 JUnit 테스트 구축하기 2022-04-11 (Topic) 005. 코루틴 & 플로우 스터디 복기 3 2022-04-04 (Topic) 004. StateFlow vs SharedFlow 2022-04-04 (Topic) 003. 코루틴 & 플로우 스터디 복기 2 2022-04-03 (Kotlin Coroutines) 017. Buffered channels 2022-04-03 (Kotlin Coroutines) 016. Channel Fan-out & Fan-in 2022-04-02 (Kotlin Coroutines) 015. Channel pipelines 2022-04-02 (Kotlin Coroutines) 014. Channel basics