(Effective Java 2/E) 106. Item 6 - Eliminate obsolete object references
(Effective Java 2/E) 105. Item 5 - Avoid creating unnecessary objects
(Effective Java 2/E) 104. Item 4 - Enforce noninstantiability with a private constructor
(Effective Java 2/E) 103. Item 3 - Enforce the singleton property with a private constructor or an enum type
(Effective Java 2/E) 102. Item 2 - Consider a builder when faced with many constructor parameters
(Effective Java 2/E) 101. Item 1 - Consider static factory methods instead of constructors
(Working Effectively with Legacy Code) 011. I Need to Make a Change. What Methods Should I Test?
(Diary) 코로나 확진 후기
(Working Effectively with Legacy Code) 010. I Can’t Run This Method in a Test Harness
(Working Effectively with Legacy Code) 009. I Can’t Get This Class into a Test Harness
(Working Effectively with Legacy Code) 008. How Do I Add a Feature?
(Working Effectively with Legacy Code) 007. It Takes Forever to Make a Change
(Working Effectively with Legacy Code) 006. I Don’t Have Much Time and I Have to Change It
(Working Effectively with Legacy Code) 005. Tools
(Working Effectively with Legacy Code) 004. The Seam Model
(Working Effectively with Legacy Code) 003. Sensing and Separation
(Working Effectively with Legacy Code) 002. Working with Feedback
(Working Effectively with Legacy Code) 001. Changing Software
(Android Deep Dive) KeyStore System and Security Part 2 - KeyStore System
(Keyword) 정적 타입과 동적 타입
(Android Deep Dive) KeyStore System and Security Part 1 - Keyword List
(컴퓨터공학입문) 006. 컴퓨터와 2진수
(컴퓨터공학입문) 005. 진수 변환
(컴퓨터공학입문) 004. 수의 체계
(Diary) 개발자의 주무기와 보조무기는 뭘까?
(컴퓨터공학입문) 003. 컴퓨터의 역사
(컴퓨터공학입문) 002. 컴퓨터 시스템의 구성
(컴퓨터공학입문) 001. 컴퓨터의 개요
(LeetCode) 171. Excel Sheet Column Number
(LeetCode) 172. Factorial Trailing Zeroes